Sofia University        Faculty of Physics       Department of Condensed Matter Physics         V.Donchev’s homepage


Vesselin T. Donchev

Participation in research contracts


·        with the Bulgarian National Science Fund, Ministry of Education

·        with the Sofia University Scientific Research Fund


Contracts with the Bulgarian National Science Fund, Ministry of Education


1988-1991  Contract No. 258/ NIS 659
“Investigation of the physical properties of impurities and defects in semiconductor materials and structures
leader: Assoc. Porf. Dr. K.Germanova

1994-1997  Contract No. Ф448

                  “Electronic structure and optical properties of GaAs quantum wells embedded in AlAs/GaAs superlattices”.
leader: Assoc. Porf. Dr. K.Germanova

2000-2001  Contract No. МУ-Ф-01

                  Calculation of the electron and phonon states in AlAs/GaAs superlattices with embedded GaAs quantum wells
leader: N. Shtinkov

2000-2005  Contract No. Ф1002/00/NIS 2347
"Electronic and optical properties of GaAs quantum wells embedded in AlAs
/GaAs superlattices with graded interfaces"
leader: Assoc. Porf. Dr. K.Germanova

2003-2004  Contract No. МУФ 1302/ NIS 2365
"Investigation of the electronic states of V-shaped quantum wires by means of numerical, photoelectrical and optical experiments.”
: M.Saraydarov


2004 - 2007  Contract No. У-Ф-08/04 / NIS 2385
“Surface Photovolatge Spectroscopy of Semiconductor materials and structures”
leader: Assoc. Porf. Dr. K.Germanova

2005-2007  - Contract No. МУФ01/05 / NIS 2458
Electronic structure of GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wires with graded interfaces
leader: Dr. M.Saraydarov  (participation as a consultant)

2006-2009  Contract No. Д01-463/12.07.06 ,   NIS 2466
”Multilayered structures and nanocomposite materials for electronics applications”
leader: assoc. Prof. Dr. D.Nesheva
Programme module of the Faculty of Physics, Sofia University:
Characterisation of multilayered nanostructures and composite nanomaterials by means of optical and electrical methods”
leader: assoc. Prof. Dr. V.Donchev

2006-2009  Contract No. ВУ-Ф-203/06 , NIS 2487
„Formation and study of solid state and organic thin films for sensor functions.
leader: assoc. Prof. Dr. V. Strashilov

2007-2010. Contract No. D01-1191/17.12.07 (NTK-X-1714/07)
“Growth and investigation of single crystals of magnesium sulfite hexahydrate (pure and doped with nickel and cobalt)”
leader: assoc. Prof. Dr. Ilia Iliev

2008-2010 Contract No. No. ДО 02-56/10.12.2008

Submicron machining and analysis of materials and structures using scanning electron microscopy combined with focused ion beam.

leader: assoc. Prof. Dr. Stoyan Russev

2008-2010 Contract No. D002-25/03.12.2008

                 Stricture and properties of InN, nitrides (InGaN, InAlN) and heterostruictures

leader: assoc. Prof. Dr. Evgenia Valcheva

2016-2019 Contract No. ДКОСТ 01/16

                 Advanced Materials for next generation solar cells

leader: assoc. Prof. Dr. V.Donchev

2019-      Grant agreement D01-214/2018

National Research Program E+: Low Carbon Energy for the Transport and Households . Component 1: Storage and conversion of renewable energy,

WP 1.4 Other methods for conversion and storage of renewable energy. Task 1.4.1: New materials, technologies and systems for solar energy conversion; Subtask Innovative solar cells based on new dilute nitride materials

Subtask leader: assoc. Prof. Dr. V.Donchev

2022-2023 Contract № КП-06-Рила/10 /16.12.2021г.
Perovskite materials and structures for photovoltaics (PERMAVOLT)- in frames of the French-Bulgarian collaboration program RILA 2021
leader: assoc. Prof. Vesselin Donchev





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Contracts with the Sofia University Scientific Research Fund


2000- 2001 Contract Nо. 399/NIS 3155

                   “Investigation of the mechanisms of the radiative recombination in GaAs quantum wells embedded in AlAs/GaAs superlattices
leader: Assist.Prof. Dr. V.Donchev

2001- 2002  Contract Nо. 373 / NIS 3317
Investigation of diffused  GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells with equidistant energy levels
leader: Assist.Prof. Dr. V.Donchev

2002- 2003  .Contract Nо. 629/NIS 3446
Investigation of the longitudinal photoconductivity of crescent-shaped GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wires
leader: Assist.Prof. Dr. V.Donchev

2006-2007. Contract Nо. 59/06
Study of nanostructures with graded interfaces
leader: Assoc.Prof. Dr. V.Donchev

2007-2008 . contract No. 016/2007.

Оptical properties of nanocomposites based on quantum dots in sol-gel matrixes for optoelectronic applications”
leader: Assoc.Prof. Dr. E. Valcheva

2008-2009 Contract No. 40/2008.

Characterization of InP/GaAs quantum dots by means of surface photovoltage spectroscopy”
leader: Assoc.Prof. Dr. V.Donchev


2010 - 2011  Contract No 149/2010

Investigation of the optical properties of multi-layer InAs/InP quantum wires  by means of surface photovoltage spectroscopy

leader: Assoc.Prof. Dr. V.Donchev


2011-2012  Contract No 38/2011

Investigation of the optical properties of multi-layers containing quantum dots-in-well structures (InAs/InGaAs/GaAs) for infra-red photodetectors

leader: assist. prof. Tsvetan Ivanov


2015 Contract No 71/2015

Advanced materials based on A3B5 dilute nitrides for next generation solar cells

leader: Assoc.Prof. Dr. V.Donchev


2016 Contract No 114/2016

Investigations of A3B5 dilute nitrides for next generation solar cells

leader: Assoc.Prof. Dr. V.Donchev






Sofia University        Faculty of Physics       Department of Condensed Matter Physics         V.Donchev’s homepage