Tight-binding electronic band structure of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs)



Fig. 1. πTB band structure (dotted line) and the four-electron orthogonal TB band structure (full line).


The electronic band structure of carbon nanotubes is usually obtained by zone-folding of the π-band tight-binding band (πTB) structure of graphene. The πTB model uses a single orbital pz (perpendicular to the graphene sheet) and therefore a single Hamiltonian matrix element. Therefore, the πTB calculations for the particular tube structure yield the same result as the zone-folding of graphene band structure (Fig. 1, dotted line).


A more complete description of the band structure is obtained by considering four electrons, i.e., four orbitals s, px, py, and pz, per carbon atom. A four-electron TB model, in which the overlap between orbitals on adjacent atoms is neglected (an orthogonal TB model), already yields differences between the zone-folded band structure and the band structure of the particular nanotube due to σ*-π* rehybridization effects (Fig. 1, full line).


In the four-electron TB model, the s and p atomic orbitals centered on adjacent atoms are non-orthogonal. This non-orthogonality is introduced through a non-unit overlap matrix. This matrix, similarly to the Hamiltonian matrix, also contains curvature effects arising from rehybridization of the unoccupied orbitals. The non-orthogonal TB band structure can differ much from the orthogonal TB one in the case of narrow tubes (Fig. 2).


Finally, it is a wide-spread practice in the band structure calculations to use the nanotube structure obtained by rolling up graphene into a cylinder ("rolled-up" nanotube structure). The rolled-up structure can differ much from the relaxed one for narrow tubes and the resulting band structures can show differences as well (Fig. 3).


In conclusion, a semi-quantitatively correct description of the band structure of narrow nanotubes can be obtained within a well-tuned non-orthogonal tight-binding model for the relaxed nanotube structure [1].



1. V. N. Popov and L. Henrard, Phys. Rev. B 70 (2004) 115407.




Fig. 2. Orthogonal TB band structure (dotted line) and non-orthogonal TB band structure (full line).


Fig. 3. Non-orthogonal TB band structure for the rolled-up tube (dotted line)  and the relaxed tube (full line).




Valentin Popov

September 5, 2005