• "Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski"
  • "Physics Laboratory in 1894"
  • "Field measurement of the Earth electricity in Boyana in 1894"
  • "Non-linear optics and solid state lasers laboratory"

Instructions for the authors

Submission of papers

1. Sofia University’s official scientific periodical is the Annual of Sofia University. The Annual is published annually in separate series designated to the respective Faculties. There is no publication fee.
2. Only original research (articles, monographs, literature reviews, etc.) not under consideration in other publishing venues are legible for publication in the Annual.
3. The Annual of Sofia University are published electronically and as paper bodies with unified design, approved by the Uniniversity Publishing House.
4. The corresponding author signs a declaration stating that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other publishing venue for simultaneous consideration and has not been published previously (partly or in full). Manuscripts that have been published elsewhere or have been submitted elsewhere for simultaneous consideration, that do not cohere thematically with the subject discpline of the respective Annual volume or that do not follow the expressly stated submission requirements are rejected. In such cases the Editor-in-Chief returns the manuscript to the corresponding author with the argumentation for the rejction provided in writing.
5. Upon receiving a manuscript, the Editor-in-Chief assigns an editor from the Editorial Board responsible for the manuscript, who chooses a minimum of two reviewers to whom the original manuscript is sent. The reviewers are chosen on the basis of their expertise in the subject area of the research presented in the manuscript.
6. The reviewers remain anonymous to the authors and are obliged to disclose any potential conflicts of interest.
7. Upon receiving the reviews, the Editorial Board takes a decision as to the publishing of a manuscript, its return for corrections or its rejection. The Editor-in-Chief informs the corresponding author of the Board’s decision. Any disagreemnts and disputes are settled by the Editorial Board.
8. The reviewers do not get any remuneration for their reviews.
9. The manuscripts approved for publication (both their paper and electronic versions), together with the respective reviews for the manuscript are arrchived and kept by the Editor-in-Chiefof the respective Faculty series of the Annual. All correspondence with authors is also archived. The copyrights of the manuscripts accepted for publication are transfered over to the respective Faculties. This includes the rights for final editing and proofreading, as well as formating of the manuscripts in keeping with the use of specialised paginating softwares required by publishers.
10. The Editoral Board of the respective Faculty’s Annual, comprising an Editor-in-Chief, and editors for the different fields of research and an Advisory Board are elected by the Faculty Council or the Scientific Committe of the respective Faculty.
11. The contents of an issue of the Annual prepared for publication need to be sanctioned by the respective Faculty Council. The approved issue, in both electronic and paper format, is submitted to the University Publishing House, together with an accompanying letter signed by the Dean of the respective Faculty, not later than 30 June of the respective year.
12. The circulation of the paper editions of the Annual is restricted for the purposes of interlibrary loans. The electronic edition of the Annual are uploaded on the site of the University Library and on the site of the Annual.
13. The Editorial Boards of the Faculties can stipulate further requirements for legible manuscripts concerning language, length, deadlines for manuscript submissions, etc.
14. Both authors and the members of the Editorial Boards are expected to follow the accepted principles of ethical and professional conduct, all current acts and regulations of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” and all further requirements stipulated by the respective Editorial Boards in accordance with the specificities of the corresponding subject areas of research.

Manuscript preparation

The manuscripts should be no longer than 20 pages. The manuscripts must be typed on one side of A4 paper with wide margins. The manuscript should have the following structure: Title, Author(s), Affiliation(s), Abstract in English, Abstract in Bulgarian, PACS codes and keywords, Main text, Acknowledgements, Appendices, References. The name, complete postal address, telephone and fax numbers and the e-mail address of the corresponding author should be given as a footnote on the first page of the manuscript.
It is recommended to use the template (available only in Bulgarian).
Figures must be inserted in the manuscript near their first reference with captions just below the figures. High-quality figures (at least 300 dpi) must be provided in the submission as separate files in EPS format (for black and white figures) and JPG or TIF format (for grey scale figures). Any color figure should be converted into a grey scale one before submission.
Tables should be with a minimum number of dividing lines and should be inserted in the text near their first reference.
Footnotes should be brief and kept to a minimum, and must be numbered consecutively.
References must be consecutively numbered in the text using square brackets, e.g., [3], [1, 3], [5, p. 98], [12, Ch. 2.11], etc. They must be listed by number in the Reference list.

[1] Haake, F. Quantum Signatures of Chaos. Berlin, 1991.
[2] Berlad, G. I., A. P. Dar, G. M. Eilam. Phys. Rev. D, 22, 7, 1980, 1547.
[3] DeWitt-Morette, C. In: NATO ASI Series B: Physics, 361, 1997, 51.

The current Regulations have been adopted at the meeting of the Academic Council of Sofia Univeristy “St. Kliment Ohridski” on 19 December 2018 (Protocol ¹5/19.12.2018). The technical specificity for the editions for the faculty of Physics are added.

Regulations text