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На 28 март от 17:00 часа в зала А209 на Физическия факултет на СУ „Св. Кл. Охридски“ (адрес: бул. „Джеймс Баучър“ 5, гр. София), ще се проведе обучителна среща по предприемачество в науката на тема Technical Innovation to Investment Readiness“. Презентацията е насочена към студенти, докторанти, млади учени и преподаватели с интерес към предприемачеството и създаването на свои стартъп компании. Лекторът, Кристоф Помпе, е инвеститор, предприемач и финансист със значителен международен опит.

Събитието е отворено и ще бъде на английски език, повече информация за темата и лектора ще откриете по-долу:

From Technical Innovation to Investment Readiness

Join our career advice event tailored for science students eager to venture into entrepreneurship!

This session will guide you through transforming your scientific acumen into innovative business ideas. Learn from industry experts about market identification, intellectual property protection, and the essentials of business management. Whether you’re looking to solve complex problems or bring groundbreaking products to market, this event will provide you with key insights and tips needed to turn your scientific expertise into a successful startup. Don’t miss this opportunity to bridge the gap between science and business.

Our Keynote Speaker – Christophe Pompée, Venture Partner at Wippd Ventures

With 18 years of experience in Leadership, Strategy, and Corporate Finance across notable international firms (PwC, Deloitte, Lombard International, Aperam Ventures), Christophe Pompée currently acts as a Venture Partner at Wippd Ventures, a London based advisory firm specialising in Corporate Venture Capital as a Service for large corporations. Previously Christophe was a Co-Founder and an Investment Director at Aperam Ventures (Corporate Venture Capital fund of a European publicly listed company), where he spearheaded the development of the fund by investing in global disruptive technology firms. Before this, Christophe was CEO of various French SMEs, he led transformative initiatives to revitalize business models and organizational culture.

In addition, Christophe was Head of Corporate Development at Lombard International (a Blackstone portfolio company). His tenure was marked by significant contributions to digital transformation and strategic growth. His foundational experiences include co-founding Pioneer Equity Partners and PwC’s Accelerator and key roles at PwC Luxembourg and Deloitte London within their M&A Transaction departments. Christophe holds an Executive MBA from the University of Chicago Booth, alongside other prestigious qualifications, and engages in mentoring, lecturing, and personal interests that include martial arts and contemporary arts, complemented by a commitment to a plant-based lifestyle.